At the beginning of every year master blogger Chris Brogan chooses three words to  guide him through the next 12 months. Instead of New Years resolutions, he uses these words as a focus for his actions. This year he thoughtfully chose Reinvest, Package & Flow. 

What are your three words?
Creativity, Passion or Balance? Manifest, Gratitude or Publish? Connect, Action or Freedom?

Reclaim: There was a specifically memorable time in my life where I had the perfect balance of motivation, hope, courage and faith. The birds were singing in the morning and crickets chirping at night. My focus this year is to find my way back to this place. Not to say that I am not happy now…I am, I have just started to tackle more tasks than physically doable and have forgotten to live in the present moment because I have been afraid of missed opportunities.

Experience: This word could quite possibly be the only one that will remain on my list year after year. My life is all about experiencing new things, stepping out of the box and living everyday like it was your last. I know this year will be filled with many new adventures because I will vow to make them happen.

Growth: The hardest focus for the year will be taking all of these experiences and growing as a person, brand and company. Taking my passion,  freely expressing myself through it and helping others to benefit from it; learning from each triumph and mistake.

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