The 365 Question Challenge is based on the 365 Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Yourself this Year  written by the folks at Mark and Angel Hack Life.   It’s simple, just share your answers in the comment section and lets all get to know each other better…a lot better. Answer as many questions or as few as you like. Follow the Challenge on Twitter, Facebook or RSS to keep up to date.

41. If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?

Don’t take life too seriously, live in the present and, as trite as it may sound, do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. Yes, I know that was more than “one piece” of advice, but since I’m the one doing the writing…

42. What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?

Having a sense of curiousity. I’m not sure that this is the most desierable trait ever, but it is the one that is speaking loudly to me today.

43. What are you most grateful for?

That I have the capacity to learn and experience.

44. Is stealing to feed a starving child wrong?

I would have to hesitantly say “yes”, unless EVERY other possiblity for feeding the child has been exhausted.

45. What do you want most?

Right now, to simplify my life and concentrate more on creating amazing experiences.

46. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

Definitely doing the right things. I now know that perfection is a myth, so I am more concerned about not breaking the law or hurting peoples feelings 😉

47. What has life taught you recently?

That it is unpredictable, that people you trust will disappoint you and that the one key to happiness is being confident that you will survive no matter what life has to throw at you.

48. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?

I wish that all people, whether they be politicians, world leaders or family, would embrace and accept each others differences. Yea, yea…I know that’s never going to happen.

See all 365 Questions on Mark and Angels blog.

Participate, Read & Share in Bucket List Journeys 365 Question Challenge.

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